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​Welcome to Awesome Studios!

In 2006 we founded ZOOM+Care to bring the on-demand movement to healthcare. ZOOM+Care became the leading on-demand health system in the Pacific Northwest. Out of that amazing experience and our lives as physicians and innovators we were inspired to create Awesome Studios. 

Now we're ready to go where few dare to go.

Awesome Studios is an interdisciplinary creative studio that focuses on bringing breakthrough health startups to market. We see making a startup like making a movie. There's a big idea that gets rapidly flushed out into a prototype and plan, talent and capital come together, and you're off to the races with a very short window to produce a hit.


At Awesome Studios, we bring deep health expertise and a network of relationships. We're proven business builders. Our know-how and reach allow us to get stuff done twice as fast and avoid landmines.

​If you're inspired to bring your breakthrough ideas, talent, or capital to an Awesome Startup, please explore our opportunities, or send us an email. We look forward to connecting. 

Dave Sanders, MD and Albert DiPiero, MD MPH
Founders, Awesome Studios

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